Fresh Kitties! Tilly and Bella (Faye) Adopted Sept 7-2006
Well, we couldn't resist. We thought it might be nice to have another cat for our sweet boy Mr. Maxwell to socialize and play with. Laura found an ad on for a very pretty little 16 week old girl named Faye that was up for adoption so we went for an "interview" and met with Faye and her very nice foster mommy. Faye's sister Tilly came along for the ride too. It was thought that Tilly had already found a home, but it turned out that the folks who were going to adopt her were having second thoughts. Since Tilly seemed to be a very sweet cat and since it seemed a shame to break up siblings we decided it would be good for us to take them both. I'm glad we did. They are SO cute playing together and I'm sure they are a great comfort to each other in this strange new place. I think they are both going to be fine members of our little family.
Tilly and Faye find a wild turkey feather to play with
Faye finds the bed to be a comfy place to relax.
What a cutie!
Tillie likes the window behind the bed.
Such a pretty girl!
Sept 10... they've been here almost 3 days now. What a riot they are! They chase each other around the house and roll and tumble and bite and kick at each other until my face hurts from laughing so much. They really know how to play!
After a few hours of play, it's time to put them back on the battery charger. Here they are recharging together on the guest room bed.
It's nice to have a sister to sleep on...
A happy group! It's so sweet when they purr in two part harmony.
Gotta love that pretty little two-tone face!
The first day we brough tthe sisters home, our Fat Fuzzy Fellow Mr Maxwell sulked and hid all day. He wouldn't sleep with us that night and he wouldn't play marbles with me in the morning like we usually do. If the kittens showed up in the same room then he went somewhere else. He was obviously pretty upset by the whole thing. But after just a couple days he is already getting more relaxed and yesterday he actually layed on the bed for a nice belly rub while Faye was on the bed nearby. I think in a few more days he'll be just fine with the new girls.
Sept 11. Hunting wild turkeys from the bedroom window.
They spend a lot of time looking out the bedroom window. Lots of birdies, big and small out there!
They also spend a lot of time sleeping on each other. I wish I could get some decent picures of them playing, but they move so fast and I'm usually laughing so hard that the photos all come out a blur!
Update! 09/17/06 Faye gets a new name and is now known as "Bella" (short for "Torbella") Well, we've had a name change. Faye is now known as Bella, which is actually short for "Torbella". We'd been having a hard time with Faye's name. It just didn't seem to suit her and for some reason we couldn't remember it half the time. One afternoon we were talking about her markings and the fact that she had visible tabby stripes, which officially makes her a "torbie" instead of a "tortie". Laura said that she was a pretty little torbie... maybe we should call her "Torbella". Something about that was very funny to us, and after trying it a few times it seemed to work just fine. We just call her "Bella" (Italian for beautiful) most of the time, but it lends well to nicknames too... when she's laying on her back getting a belly rub, then she's "BellyBella". When she's playing just a little too hard, sometimes she's "BiteyBella". When she's really bad, sometimes we call her by her full name... "Torbella Faye, you drop that sausage and get your feet off the table right NOW!" Call her by any name, she's still a very sweet girl. Well... most of the time!
She just loves that window! Hmmm. I think I just figured out why my pillow smells kinda funny sometimes..
Beautiful things.
Such a sweet pair. They love each other so much. I'm really glad that the folks who were going to adopt Tilly backed out and we ended up with both of them. It would have been sad to split them up.
I think Bella is having one of those "flying" dreams...
Is we, or ain't we cute?
February 2008. In the winter the best seat in the house is in front of the fireplace.
When the fireplace isn't burning, a sister provides heat on a chilly winter night.
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